For Sellers That Want to Sell a Business
Our business owners have committed, in many cases, a lifetime to starting, growing and managing their companies. They have spent innumerable hours navigating through various economic conditions in the hope of some day being in a position to reap the rewards of being acquired, affording time to pursue other endeavors.
If you have a successful business then chances are that you have may have already been approached by an employee, vendor or customer asking you about selling. No doubt, that is a great sign.
They like your business and probably admire you. It is often at this time that an owner becomes confident, believing that their company is in demand and will sell easily. But as Business Brokers, we can tell you that selling a business is not usually that easy.
It is very difficult to continue successfully running your business AND working with buyers. The representation we offer is invaluable. Our process is well established and proven to result in delivering the highest price for your business.
Firstly, we establish fair market value for your business. Our assessment of value is based on three years of business tax returns. We create a spreadsheet and look at potential add-backs to cash flow while being aware of what lenders will reasonably accept.
We look at your market place from a growth and competitive standpoint, stability and availability of labor, governmental/large institution oversight constraints and your willingness to help the new owner train and transition.
Why is the valuation so important? It is based on financial results, market/industry trends and demonstrates cash flow.
In the end, every buyer will ask, what can I expect to make from this business?
Once a price is set, we create a Confidential Business Summary which is only shown to potential buyers who satisfactorily complete a Non-Disclosure Agreement protecting your privacy and provides us with their ability to acquire your business. Not only does the buyer need to have financial ability, but do they have the business acumen to operate the business? A lender will need to know both.
From the Confidential Business Summary we develop a Blind Ad which is used as a presentation vehicle to our database of buyers, Broker Members in our network, our internet listing and social media.
The Blind Ad is written in such a way as to attract interested buyers without giving specific details about your business.
Our goal is to create demand for your business, which translates into more prospective buyers and ultimately to a higher selling price.
Our database of buyers consists of private individuals, other companies looking to expand and private equity groups (PEG) looking
to invest. Your business information is safe and the sale is confidential. And that is how we protect it and you.
We guide a buyer through the initial interest, to completing a Non-Disclosure Agreement, to assisting them with financial evaluation, to managing an on-site meeting, to creating an offer letter, to negotiating, to referring professional accounting, legal and lending resources, to keeping all of the tasks on track to a closing.
Our sellers appreciate our straight forward, no-nonsense, disciplined methodology.
Get in Touch with Our Expert Business Brokers Today
840 S. Northwest Highway, Suite 113
Barrington, IL 60010